Home > About draliman > Sharing My World Week 22

Sharing My World Week 22

Wow, I can hardly believe it’s time to Share My World again! It’ll be Christmas before we know it.

In Sharing Your World, Cee poses four weekly questions for us to answer. Check out her blog full of wonderful photos!


Regarding animals would you prefer not having them around or having domestics pets, farm animals, or seeing them in nature or the zoo?
I’d like to have a little cat again. Pets are quite a responsibility, though, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that just yet. Maybe sometime in the future (at least now that I own a house I can if I want!).

Regarding “wild” animals, I love seeing them in nature. I know that zoos serve a purpose – educational as well as preserving very endangered species – but all things being equal, animals should be left in their natural habitat.

It’s very sad to see a big cat in a cage. Or in some celebrity’s back garden.

Dartmoor pony

Roam free little Dartmoor poneh!

Are you a collector of anything?
Not really. Stuff I have a lot of (books, DVDs) I have for what they contain, not what they are. I don’t have a library of books because I love the smell and touch of books or whatever, I have the books for the stories they contain. My DVDs allow me to slip into other lives for a while. Digital copies of books and films are just as good.

That said, I do have a house full of crap. I have trouble throwing stuff away (though not on the scale of those poor souls you see on TV reality shows who can’t move for falling over piles of newspapers).

If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?
I have no idea. Maybe I don’t know myself well enough to know what I really want to know? My question could be “what do I really want to know?” Then I could spend my life trying to find the answer.

If you were to treat yourself to the “finer things” what would you treat yourself to?
Once I’ve outfitted a home cinema room, I would stock the industrial size fridge with quality cheese, ham and so on – quality nibbles for a quality cinematic experience. After sitting for hours watching films and eating cheese, I would probably also require a quality personal trainer!

See you next week where I will Share My World once again!

  1. June 8, 2014 at 7:05 am

    Fantastic answer to the ‘Question’, question. I wish I’d thought of that 🙂


    • June 8, 2014 at 7:36 am

      When I realised I didn’t know what question to ask, I knew what question I would have to ask 🙂


  2. June 8, 2014 at 7:47 am

    Al, That was interesting and amusing. I just bought a Kindle so don’t have to worry about shelf space any more. Also, we can sell our our newspapers for cash here so we don’t have piles of those. Our son came for a visit recently and threw out some of the junk his dad had collected: empty bottles, old outdated medicines, etc. My husband also collects old electrical things that he says he’s going to ” fix.” Cats are great as they don’t require as much care as dogs. They’re very neat and smart. Well written. 🙂 —Susan


    • June 8, 2014 at 7:55 am

      I had to buy a Kindle as I literally ran out of shelf space at my old flat! I still have a load of stuff in my parents’ attic though. Now that I have my own attic and garage the pressure is on to go get it 🙂
      I’ve had cats before and as you say they pretty much take care of themselves. Maybe once I’m properly settled in I’ll get one from the rescue centre.


  3. June 8, 2014 at 8:25 am

    I’ve admired you since I read “about me/you” section. I’ve always thought you are more than what you believe you are, that’s my choice to think that.
    I like when you answer, sort of, these questions, maybe you will reveal if my ideas about you were correct.


    • June 8, 2014 at 8:52 am

      I guess even when I write jokey answers they reveal something about me (though they were more serious answers this week).
      Thanks, I always look forward to your comments!


  4. NotAPunkRocker
    June 8, 2014 at 9:18 am

    Oh yeah, you did have a super awesome cinema/game room “added” in one of the previous weeks. Good idea with the food and the trainer!

    Matthew’s closet still has the fifteen boxes of books I need to go through. I am sure I will get distracted and start reading along the way, making no progress. 🙂


    • June 8, 2014 at 9:20 am

      I’m hoping if I mention it enough, it will happen 🙂
      Happy reading!


      • NotAPunkRocker
        June 8, 2014 at 9:37 am

        Good idea on the repeated mentions! 😀


  5. June 8, 2014 at 2:07 pm

    I think that question about knowing the answer to any one question was a subject of a fair amount of philosophical debate, and I think it came to a similar result as you did, with a twist: “what is the question the answer to which I really want to know, and what is the answer to that question?”
    However, personally, I’d recommend asking “what are the winning numbers for the next $500M lottery jackpot?”. 🙂


    • June 8, 2014 at 4:46 pm

      Dammit, I knew there was a better question to ask 🙂


  6. June 8, 2014 at 3:54 pm

    I think that is the point of having a house … to contain all our crap. We don’t have to make decision when the crap fills up all the storage areas. We can just move to a bigger place that will hold MORE crap, right?


    • June 8, 2014 at 4:48 pm

      That’s what I did. It no longer fitted in my little flat 🙂


  7. June 8, 2014 at 5:21 pm

    Home theatre and all the great cheeses. I could go for that too!! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Your monkey won’t be getting a break in your house 🙂


    • June 8, 2014 at 5:29 pm

      No, my monkey will be hard at work while I’m enjoying my cheese 🙂


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