
Posts Tagged ‘entertainment room’

Sharing My World Week 9

March 6, 2014 34 comments

Hello friends! It’s time once again to Share My World, part of Cee’s Share Your World series of questions which helps bloggers to get to know one another a little better. Peace out!

This week’s questions are all about our dream house.


Would you prefer a reading nook or an art, craft, photography studio?
Reading nook? Art studio? What what what? Where’s “kick-ass soundproofed and fully stocked entertainment room”? Somewhere I can turn up the volume and shoot aliens, or watch Hobbits (yay, Hobbits) kicking Orc ass, all without disturbing the neighbours with fully surround-sounded gunfire and whatnot.

And I could read in there as well.

Would you prefer the TV in the living room or another room?
I would prefer a TV in every room, thanks.

Especially in my kick-ass soundproofed and fully stocked entertainment room.

What colour would you like your bedroom to be?
Who cares, when I’ll be spending all my time in my kick-ass soundproofed and fully stocked entertainment room?

Okay then, lavender.

Would you prefer a one floor house or multiple levels?
Well, I just bought a house with two levels. While I’m a little worried about the stairs when I get older, it’s nice to go upstairs to sleep at the end of the day.

At least it would be if my bed wasn’t still in bits and I wasn’t still sleeping on the sofa in the living room.

Bonus question:
Ooh, a bonus question! What could it be, what could it be?

As I was saying, Bonus Question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I’m grateful that my house move went reasonably smoothly. In the upcoming week I’m looking forward to getting my bedroom sorted out so I can invite the people round who have been eager to see my new abode (and so I can sleep in a bed again, because I’m getting too old for sleeping on sofas. Especially two-seater sofas).

That’s all for this week. Have a lovely week everybody!