
Posts Tagged ‘imagination’

Creative? Me?

October 24, 2013 16 comments

There’s a new award in town! This award – the Imagine Award – was, I am reliably informed, created by Jenny over at My Fibrotastic Life – pop over and say hi! It was created in October this year, no less.

That’s last year if you’re reading this next year :-).

I’m in on the ground floor with this one. And look how cool it is – it’s got a unicorn and a rainbow in it!

The Imagine AwardIt has been awarded to me by Teepee12 (Marilyn) over at Serendipity, and I have to admit I was deeply touched by her kind description of my blog – thank you! Let me tell you a bit about her blog, if you haven’t already found it. We’re talking amazing photos (sometimes aided by her other half), social commentary, light-hearted rants, all the time accompanied by a most wicked sense of humour. She manages to see the light side of many not-so-light situations. It is a most amazing blog – do visit!

The description of this award states that it was “made in order to recognize the bloggers who express their passion and dedication towards their blogs through their creativity”. Teepee has listed some qualities which make a blog “creative”.

  • Words – my blog contains no end of words. They’re everywhere on my blog. Poems, fiction, musings and whatnot.
  • Graphics – I have photos, doodles (both hand and computer drawn) and cartoons.
  • Video – I’ve included one video. It was sort of a “Blair Witch Project” type of affair, except that mine was shot on my phone in a darkened bathroom while wearing a coat and sunglasses, illuminating my face with a torch (that’s “flashlight” if you’re in the US) and affecting a Scottish accent (and calling myself “Angus MacScotland”).
  • Layout – hmm, moving on.
  • Community – I have a little bunch of  treasured bloggy friends plus some very welcome visitors!

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