
Posts Tagged ‘Ford Fiesta ST-3’

Sharing My World Week 41

October 19, 2014 29 comments

Cee has posed another set of questions to Share My World with, so here goes! Thanks for hosting the challenge, Cee.


Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
I would definitely prefer to take the pictures. Sets of photos from work Christmas parties are all full of my hand in front of my face, a hastily turned head or a blur off to the side as I make my escape.

I prefer taking photos of scenery rather than people, because I always worry that I’m making the people feel as uncomfortable as I feel when someone’s taking a photo of me.

What did you most enjoy doing this past week?
I guess maybe going for a drive in my new car. See the next question!

It’s got a lot of zip. It’s my mid-life crisis car. I expect next time I’ll get a car more suitable for my age 🙂

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