
Posts Tagged ‘Oban’

I Found My Childhood Friend!

April 28, 2013 11 comments

A little while ago I wrote all about my childhood friend, in a response to a Daily Prompt. The problem was, I couldn’t find the little fella!

I asked my parents about him when I went round for lunch today. They said I must have him as they don’t (uh-oh). I did get some more history, though. He was bought by my Gran for my Mum when she went into hospital to have her appendix out. I guess having your appendix out when my Mum was young must have been extremely scary, all leeches and sacrifices and stuff (sorry Mum :-)).

No, it was only 56 years ago. He was bought in Oban, on the west coast of Scotland (“in a little shop on the sea front”, my Mum tells me).

And here he is!

Childhood friend

Cuddly Bear – my childhood friend

I popped a pen into the picture to give an idea of scale. As you can see, he’s been through a lot but now he has taken his rightful place on the bookcase with the rest of the gang. He’s meeting some of them for the first time!

I do hope they all get along.