
Posts Tagged ‘torture’

Blurred Reality

June 12, 2014 57 comments

Here is my Friday Fictioneers submission for this week, hosted as always by the talented Rochelle. This week’s photo was contributed by Ted Strutz, to which we need to write a story of roughly 100 words.

This week’s photo appears to feature some dentistry tools. Sorry to be a bit obvious in my story, but I’m not passing this one up.

To read this week’s other submissions, click on the little blue froggy (whose name is Bracken).


Copyright Ted Strutz

The whirring of the drill rang in Simon’s ears as The Dentist’s leering face loomed before his eyes.

“Pain!” laughed The Dentist, chief “agony technician” of the Vekta Crew. “You shall feel… such pain!” Simon closed his eyes in terror and felt…

… someone shaking his shoulder.

“Wake up, honey! You’re having a bad dream!”

Simon opened his eyes to see his wife looking down at him.

“That was a bad one!” he smiled.

His wife’s eyes grew cold. “Or is this the dream?” she snarled, her face morphing into that of The Dentist.

Simon screamed as the drill bore down into the sensitive pulp of his tooth.