
Posts Tagged ‘drug dealer’

A Costly Mistake

October 25, 2013 32 comments

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers again! As ever it is hosted by Rochelle, and this week she has also provided the picture – our task is to write a story, poem or whatnot in 100 words, inspired by said picture.

You can see all the other entries here – more are added all the time – stop by and have a read!


Copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Instruments lay smashed about the hotel room – heavy metal band “Iron Biscuit” was well known for such destructive after-gig parties. A young blonde sobbed in a corner amid the wreckage. Her eyes were fixed on the lead singer, his body cold and rigid, his eyes unseeing, the syringe still stuck in his arm.

A few streets away a dealer lay on the floor staring in horror at the gory mess his kneecaps had become. He had forgotten to cut the last shipment and had sold it 100% pure. His boss, an unforgiving man, had not been pleased.

A costly mistake.