
Posts Tagged ‘global warming’

FF – Bye Bye Bees

August 17, 2016 46 comments

Here is my story for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle. It’s another rerun but for a few months before my day. It was requested by C. E. Ayr and the photo was contributed by Janet Webb.

It’s a picture of a wasps’ nest, but my story is about bees because it’s more topical :-).

To read this week’s other stories, click on the blue froggy.

Copyright Janet Webb

Copyright Janet Webb


Gathering their forces, the Bees of Wisdom entered their honeycomb Spaceship of Life. The Bee of Wayfinding locked in the course and buzzed his readiness to the Queen. The Bee of Tools and Construction reported “status green”.

The Queen gave the command, the Bee of Power Deliverance engaged the thrusters and the Spaceship of Life lifted off and headed for worlds unknown.

The Bees inside looked sadly down at their former home, ravaged and destroyed by the two-legged mammals – once a beautiful blue marble hanging in space, now a toxic grey-green, no longer fit for Man nor Bee.


FF – Not Any More

July 27, 2016 72 comments

Here is my rerun post for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle. This week’s rerun was suggested by Kent Bonham and the photo was contributed by Janet Webb.

I first wrote this in 2013 but I’ve fiddled with it a tiny bit here.

To read this week’s other stories click on the blue froggy.



“Hey Dad, what’s up with Bert, all alone over there?”

“He’s sulking. He doesn’t like the wet stuff. He’s worried he’ll rust.”

“Where did all the flesh-things go? Did they rust?”

“Maybe. Or maybe they melted. They never looked very hardy to me.”

“Where did all the wet stuff come from?”

“Full of questions today, aren’t you? I heard it used to be solid and far away. Then everything warmed up and now it’s all wet and it’s everywhere.”

“So why are we here, Dad? Do we have a purpose?”

“Not any more, son. Not any more.”


Not Any More

October 20, 2013 34 comments

Hello and welcome to this week’s Friday Fictioneers, hosted as always by Rochelle. This week’s 100 word photo prompt has been supplied by fellow Fictioneerer Janet Webb, and you can check out the other entries here. I’m getting later and later with this, as I have “things on my mind” which I may post about at a later date (except I’m trying not to think about it too much).

I must admit, I’ve trickled over into 102 words this week. However, I’m safe in the knowledge that I could swap my two uses of “any more” for the modernised form “anymore” (which is annoying the spell checker as it’s technically incorrect in UK English), which would cut it down to 100 🙂


Copyright Janet Webb

“Hey Dad, what’s up with Uncle Bert, all alone over there?”

“He’s sulking. He doesn’t like the wet stuff. He doesn’t like getting his wheels wet. He’s worried he’ll rust.”

“Where did all the flesh-things go? Did they rust?”

“Maybe. Or maybe they melted. They never looked very hardy to me.”

“Where did all the wet stuff come from?”

“Full of questions today, aren’t you? I heard it used to be solid. Then everything warmed up and now it’s all wet and it’s everywhere.”

“So why are we here, Dad? Do we have a purpose?”

“Not any more, son. Not any more.”